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C. D. Chakiris, Brudnicki, R. C., Troy, R. D., Nelson, J. A., Dittmar, M. K., Brapoh, Jr., A. D., Andrade, M., Lugo, S., Szabo, A. T., and Dudeck, K., AC Motor Drive With Power Factor Correction Using Arduino, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
R. Troy, Szabo, A., and Varonides, A., Electrostatic and Quantum Size Effects in Short Channel MOSFETs, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
J. Derr, Sadegzadeh, S., Wolf, R., Toffoletto, F., Yang, J., and Sun, W., Field-Aligned Potential Drops in an Ionospheric Streamer, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
N. A. Frissell, Ackermann, J. R., Alexander, J. N., Benedict, R. L., Blackwell, W. C., Boedicker, R. K., Cerwin, S. A., Collins, K. V., Cowling, S. H., Deacon, C., Diehl, D. M., Di Mare, F., Duffy, T. J., Edson, L. Brandt, Engelke, W. D., Farmer, J. O., Frissell, R. M., Gerzoff, R. B., Gibbons, J., Griffiths, G., Holm, S., Howell, F. M., Kaeppler, S. R., Kavanagh, G., Kazdan, D., Kim, H., Larsen, D. R., Ledvina, V. E., Liles, W., Lo, S., Lombardi, M. A., MacDonald, E. A., Madey, J., McDermott, T. C., McGaw, D. G., McGwier, R. W., Mikitin, G. A., Miller, E. S., Mitchell, C., Montare, A., Nguyen, C. D., Nordberg, P. N., Perry, G. W., Piccini, G. N., Pozerski, S. W., Reif, R. H., Rizzo, J. D., Robinett, R. S., Romanek, V. I., Sami, S., Sanchez, D. F., Sarwar, M. Shaaf, Schwartz, J. A., H. Serra, L., H. Silver, W., Skov, T. Mulligan, Swartz, D. A., Themens, D. R., Tholley, F. H., West, M. Lou, Wilcox, R. C., Witten, D., Witvliet, B. A., and Yadav, N., Heliophysics and amateur radio: citizen science collaborations for atmospheric, ionospheric, and space physics research and operations, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, vol. 10, 2023.
N. A. Frissell, Ackermann, J. R., Alexander, J. N., Benedict, R. L., Blackwell, W. C., Boedicker, R. K., Cerwin, S. A., Collins, K. V., Cowling, S. H., Deacon, C., Diehl, D. M., Di Mare, F., Duffy, T. J., Edson, L. Brandt, Engelke, W. D., Farmer, J. O., Frissell, R. M., Gerzoff, R. B., Gibbons, J., Griffiths, G., Holm, S., Howell, F. M., Kaeppler, S. R., Kavanagh, G., Kazdan, D., Kim, H., Larsen, D. R., Ledvina, V. E., Liles, W., Lo, S., Lombardi, M. A., MacDonald, E. A., Madey, J., McDermott, T. C., McGaw, D. G., McGwier, R. W., Mikitin, G. A., Miller, E. S., Mitchell, C., Montare, A., Nguyen, C. D., Nordberg, P. N., Perry, G. W., Piccini, G. N., Pozerski, S. W., Reif, R. H., Rizzo, J. D., Robinett, R. S., Romanek, V. I., Sami, S., Sanchez, D. F., Sarwar, M. Shaaf, Schwartz, J. A., H. Serra, L., H. Silver, W., Skov, T. Mulligan, Swartz, D. A., Themens, D. R., Tholley, F. H., West, M. Lou, Wilcox, R. C., Witten, D., Witvliet, B. A., and Yadav, N., Heliophysics and amateur radio: citizen science collaborations for atmospheric, ionospheric, and space physics research and operations, Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, vol. 10, 2023.
C. Nguyen, Romanek, V., Lynch, Jr., F., Tholley, J., Troy, R., Dittmar, M., Nelson, J., and Lugo, S., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers at the University of Scranton, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
C. Nguyen, Romanek, V., Lynch, Jr., F., Tholley, J., Troy, R., Dittmar, M., Nelson, J., and Lugo, S., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers at the University of Scranton, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
N. A. Frissell, Tholley, F., V. Harvey, L., Phillips, S. R., Bossert, K., Derghazarian, S., Goncharenko, L., Collins, R., West, M. Lou, Sanchez, D. F., Perry, G. W., Gerzoff, R. B., Erickson, P. J., Engelke, W. D., Callahan, N., Underbakke, L., Atkison, T., J. Ruohoniemi, M., and Baker, J. B. H., Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and their Connection to the Lower and Middle Atmosphere, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
F. Tholley and Frissell, N. A., A New Web Interface to the SuperDARN MSTID Analysis Toolkit, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
C. Chakirus, Brudnicki, R., Troy, R., and Dudeck, K., Power Factor Detection and Correction of a Variable Speed AC motor, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
W. Taylor, Krantz, A., Kinsky, J., Behrenhauser, N., Colgate, A., and Martinez-Manahan, M., Project HALO: An Effort to Provide Continuous Meteorological Observations of the April 8th, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
A. T. Chartier, Steele, J., Sugar, G., Themens, D. R., Vines, S. K., and Huba, J. D., Validating Ionospheric Models Against Technologically Relevant MetricsAbstractPlain Language SummaryKey Points, Space Weather, vol. 21, no. 12, 2023.