Development of a Contesting and DXing Dashboard for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station

TitleDevelopment of a Contesting and DXing Dashboard for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2025
AuthorsRuzanski, O, Frissell, N, Sokola, R, Trench, B
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop
Date Published03/2025
Conference LocationNewark, NJ

This project aims to develop a dashboard display specifically for amateur radio HF contesting, DXing, and general operations using data from the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station as well as potentially adding other local and remote real time data. The HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station is a multi-instrument system designed to measure space weather for both scientific research and amateur radio operations. The core of the PSWS is the RX-888/KA9Q-radio WSPRDaemon-Grape High Frequency (HF) software-defined radio (SDR), capable of capturing and analyzing signals across the 0.3-30 MHz range. While most PSWS development efforts thus far have focused on strictly scientific objectives, this project will aim to make the data available and useful in real time for Ham Radio Operators. The dashboard has a goal of enhancing real-time HF propagation assessments for amateur radio operators. By decoding WSPR spots and integrating with external space weather observations, this dashboard will provide propagation insights on an individual station basis. The dashboard will also contribute to a larger understanding of both localized and global HF conditions. This should allow amateur radio operators to optimize their transmissions based on real-time ionospheric conditions, which can help improve contesting efficiency and DXing success. This project will involve the HamSCI Community, the Frankford Radio Club, and W3USR. This project aims to advance amateur radio capabilities and strengthen science contributions to space weather research.

Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed