“How Do We Put a HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station in Antarctica?”, HamSCI Workshop. HamSCI, Newark, NJ, 2025.
, “Plans to Observe Changes to the Ionosphere During the April 8 Eclipse Using Doppler Shifts of AM Broadcast Stations”, HamSCI Workshop 2024. HamSCI, Cleveland, OH, 2024.
, “An Expanded System to Track Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and Other Effects Using Doppler-shifts of AM Broadcast Stations”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Observing Auroral Radio Emissions in Conjugate Hemispheres”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “AM Broadcast Signals Observed at South Pole”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “Broadband Loop Antennas and Preamplifiers for Receiving VLF to HF”, HamSCI Workshop 2022. HamSCI, Huntsville, AL, 2022.
, “Traveling ionospheric disturbances tracked through Doppler-shifted AM radio transmissions”, HamSCI Workshop 2021. HamSCI, Scranton, PA (Virtual), 2021.