“Involving the Lay Person in Citizen Science”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “The K2LNS Station at Bear Creek, PA”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Lecher Lines and Transmission Line Stubs: Circuits 101 Says This is Impossible”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Listening to the Heliosphere: Making Space Data Audible for Citizen Science”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Low Cost, High Accuracy and Stability FST4W Transmissions Using the QDX Transceiver”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Low-Cost Low-Power Ionosonde”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Lunar Dust Particle Simulation in the (12-6) Lennard-Jones Potential Approximation”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Measuring Daily Ionospheric Variability and the 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipse Ionospheric Impacts Using HamSCI HF Doppler Shift Receivers”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Measuring the Frequency Accuracy and Stability of WWV and WWVH”, QST, vol. 107, 12 vol., no. 3, pp. 33-37, 2023.
, “Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and their Connection to the Lower and Middle Atmosphere”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Modeling the Ionosphere with SAMI3 (Invited Tutorial)”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “A New Station for the W3USR University of Scranton Amateur Radio Club”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “A New Web Interface to the SuperDARN MSTID Analysis Toolkit”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “The North Dakota Dual Aurora Camera Version 2.0 (NoDDAC2.0), a Platform for Citizen Science and a Use Case for Implementing Best Practices in Open Data and Collaboration”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Observing Auroral Radio Emissions in Conjugate Hemispheres”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “On-Air Multipath TDOA Experiments for Ionospheric Layer Height Measurements Using Amateur Radio Stations”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Personal Space Weather Station Central Control and Database System”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “The potential of HamSCI Doppler Observations for inferring Solar Flare Effects on the Ionosphere”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Power Factor Detection and Correction of a Variable Speed AC motor”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Project HALO: An Effort to Provide Continuous Meteorological Observations of the April 8th, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “PyLap: An Open Source Python Interface to the PHaRLAP Ionospheric Raytracing Toolkit”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “A Review of "Climatology of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by the Midlatitude Blackstone SuperDARN Radar"”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “Science Humanities at the University of Scranton”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “SDRs in Time and Frequency Metrology”, HamSCI Workshop 2023. HamSCI, Scranton, PA, 2023.
, “The Solar Eclipse QSO Party: A Fun Way to Support Radio Science”, On The Air, 6 vol., pp. 14-15, 2023.