WSPRsonde Installation at WWV/WWVB

TitleWSPRsonde Installation at WWV/WWVB
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2025
AuthorsSwartz, D
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop 2025
Date Published03/2025
Conference LocationNewark, NJ

The 19th meeting of the WWV/H Scientific Modulation Working Group was held on May 28, 2024.  The topic of discussion centered on WSPR with Rob Robinett, AI6VN, giving a presentation on his software, WSPRdaemon, and the potential for the WSPR network to contribute to HamSCI efforts.  After discussion, it was decided that installation of a WSPRsonde transmitter manufactured by Turn Island Systems and Paul Elliott, WB6CXC, would be pursued at both WWV and WWVH transmitter sites.  Dave Swartz, W0DAS, conducted the initial installation at WWV/B over the summer and fall months of 2024 with extensive help from the NIST WWV/B staff, and details will be discussed.  Early analysis of the WSPR data was very encouraging, with the 1-watt signal sharing very similar Doppler shifts with its 10,000-watt counterpart, as reported from a station at >1500km.  Installation of similar equipment at WWVH is in the works.

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