Turkish Morse Code (TMK)

TitleTurkish Morse Code (TMK)
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2025
AuthorsKılıç, H, Yüzer, ABertuğ, Yüzer, FAlptuğ
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop 2025
Date Published03/2025
PublisherHamSCI 2025
Conference LocationNewark, NJ

This project aims to eliminate the deficiency that arises due to the current Morse code system not supporting Turkish characters. Within the scope of the project, a new Morse code that includes Turkish characters was developed using an Arduino-based system and the effective usability of this code in communication was tested. In the study, a practical solution proposal was presented with an encoder that produces Morse code. During the experimental study, audio and visual feedback was provided using hardware elements such as LCD screen, LED and buzzer. The new code sequence was integrated into the current Morse code system and the correct transmission of Turkish characters was ensured. The findings obtained show that Turkish characters can be successfully transmitted within the Morse code system and contribute to the field of communication. This study makes a significant contribution especially in terms of amateur radio and education applications. The project also aims to create a model for STEM-based education studies and to increase students' interest in electronics, communication technologies and coding.

Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed