The IP400 Networking Project

TitleThe IP400 Networking Project
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2025
AuthorsStroh, S, Alcock, M
Conference NameHamSCI Workshop
Date Published03/2025
Conference LocationNewark, NJ

The IP400 Network Project goal is the development of a next generation data communications system by Amateur Radio for Amateur Radio. Features include higher speeds (minimum 100 kbps), robust modulation (eventually OFDM) and forward error correction, automatic discovery and routing to form peer to peer mesh networks (interoperable with AREDN), and ability to transport widely varying data types, from short text messages, through digital voice and video. IP400 will offer an adapter (Supernode) for repeaters to allow them to interoperate with IP400 user nodes. An initial IP400 radio is expected to be available in mid 2025. IP400 is in very active development and is sponsored by the Alberta Digital Radio Communications Society.

Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed