HamSCI Members Contribute to New Book on Radio Wave Propagation
HamSCI Members Contribute to New Book on Radio Wave Propagation

Wednesday, August 2, 2023 - 14:19
Wednesday, August 2, 2023 - 14:19
Submitted 1 year 7 months ago by af8a.
Multiple members of the HamSCI Community contributed content to the new book Here to There: Radio Wave Propagation, recently published by the American Radio Relay League.
Book chapters include the following: Fundamentals of Radio Wave Propagation, The Sun and Solar Activity, Sky-Wave, or Ionospheric, Propagation, VHF and UHF Non-ionospheric Propagation, Propagation Predictions for HF Operation, VHF and UHF Mobile Propagation and Amateur Radio and Ionospheric Science.
HamSCI contributors include:
Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA
Frank Donovan, W3LPL
Ward Silver, NØAX
Ethan Miller, K8GU
Hermann Schumacher, DF2DR
Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF
Congratulations, one and all!