Grape v1 Hardware Description Published in Journal Hardware-X
Grape v1 Hardware Description Published in Journal Hardware-X

A description of the hardware of the Grape Version 1 Personal Space Weather Station by John Gibbons N8OBJ, Kristina Collins KD8OXT, David Kazdan AD8Y, and Nathaniel Frissell W2NAF was published in the journal Hardware-X, entitled Grape Version 1: First prototype of the low-cost personal space weather station receiver. The full paper is available from Abstract: Crowd sourced data collection among the international community of amateur radio operators and shortwave listeners has great potential for addressing problems of under-sampling in the geospace system. Quantitative Doppler measurements of high frequency (HF) time standard stations, used in bottom side ionospheric sensing, have been accomplished using existing radio hardware belonging to volunteers in distributed campaigns. However, typical shortwave receivers cannot be put to ordinary use while these measurements are being taken, do not have standardized signal chains, and are generally too expensive to be purchased for the sole purpose of taking Doppler measurements. Here, we provide documentation for a low-cost intermediate frequency receiver, the Grape Version 1, which is designed specifically for measurements of North American time standard stations. Grape receivers can be easily constructed and deployed by amateur scientists in order to gain a deeper understanding of variations in radio propagation in their local environment. When compared over long periods and across distributed networks of stations, the resulting data yield insights on greater spatial and time scales. At the time of writing, several of these receivers have been deployed across the United States and are actively collecting data. These receivers form the first iteration of the Low-Cost Personal Space Weather Station network.