More Than 600 Stations Registered for SEQP
More Than 600 Stations Registered for SEQP

Wednesday, August 16, 2017 - 11:05
Wednesday, August 16, 2017 - 11:02
Submitted 7 years 6 months ago by w2naf.
With only 5 days remaining before the Solar Eclipse QSO Party (SEQP), over 600 stations have already indicated that they are planning on participating. We have posted both a list and map showing the locations of all pre-registered stations. Stations are still encouraged to pre-register. Many stations have e-mailed asking for guidance as to what is the best band, mode, or antenna to use is. We recommend simply following the SEQP rules and enjoying this as you would any other operating event. We will be getting data from many, many different sources and need signals on all bands and modes. A link for log submission will be posted to by the end of the SEQP. See you on the air and good luck in the SEQP!
Nathaniel W2NAF