News Articles

A team of scientists led by Alex Chartier at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory just published a study Validating Ionospheric Models Against Technologically Relevant Metrics, published in the peer-reviewed American Geophysical Union journal Space Weather. Co-authors include Josh Steele, G. Sugar, David Themens, Sarah Vines, and Joseph Huba.

Well known HamSCI VLF enthusiast Jonathan Rizzo, KC3EEY, recently received the Murgas Amateur Radio Club’s 2023 Ham of the Year award.

MIT Haystack Observatory

Long time HamSCI Advisory Board member Dr. Philip Erickson, W1PJE, was recently named as the Incoming Director at MIT’s Haystack Observatory.  

KF7ZN award plaque

HamSCI member Ron Wilcox, KF7ZN, recently received the Utah DX Association’s 2023 Technical Achievement Award.  The UDXA recognized Ron for promoting radio-related science topics to the amateur (ham) radio community.  

Rates of Decay WWVB Enhancement and Decline Differ

HamSCI Announces Initial Observations From 14 October Annular Solar Eclipse—Encourages Amateur Participation in Upcoming 8 April 2024 Total Solar Eclipse QSO Party

Dr. Nathaniel Frissell W2NAF, Lead Organizer for HamSCI (The Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation) and assistant professor of physics and engineering at The University of Scranton W3USR, has announced initial observations from the October 14th annular solar eclipse across North America. 

Fontiers in Astronomy Web Logo

Dr. Nathaniel Frissell W2NAF, Lead Organizer for HamSCI and assistant professor of Physics and Engineering at the University of Scranton, has announced that its latest paper, "Heliophysics and Amateur Radio: Citizen Science Collaborations For Atmospheric, Ionospheric, And Space Physics Research And Operations,” has been published in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers of Astronomy and Space Science*.

NASA Partner Logo

HamSCI proudly joined dozens of other citizen science project teams at NASA’s Science Activation (SciAct) / Citizen Science (CitSci) Community Workshop held in Leesburg, VA, November 13-17, 2023.   Conference attendees, leaders in the volunteer citizen science community, shared project success stories and future plans for their science and education based teams.

WTVG television news coverage of hamsci solar eclipse event

The October, 2023 North American annular solar eclipse may be past, but media coverage of that event, an element of HamSCI's Festivals of Eclipse Ionospheric Science, will live on in a wide variety of informative features.  Magazines, websites, NASA produced videos, local and national news coverage tell the story of how HamSCI citizen scientists and researchers are contributing to science.

HamSCI Workshop and Operating in the SEQP

HamSCI events were the topics of two recent articles appearing in American Radio Relay League (ARRL) publications. The October, 2023 issue of QST magazine featured a story entitled 'HamSCI Workshop 2023:  A Radio Science Collaboration'.  The Workshop was held at the University of Scranton in mid-March, and the article gave a synopsis of the presentations, poster sessions and other activities which took place during the two day event. QST is read by thousands of ARRL Members each month.  It is the flagship journal of the ARRL. The September/October issue of On The Air carried a story on how and why an amateur radio operator would want to operate in HamSCI's Solar Eclipse QSO Parties.  OTA a bi-monthly magazine aimed at those just getting into (or back into) the hobby of amateur radio.  

Cell phones from 2004-2020

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